Ultimate Assault

Game Summary

ULTIMATE ASSAULT is a multiplayer 2D top-down Shooter team deathmatch game. Most of the mechanics is inspired from the Call of Duty games series and are adjusted to a 2D framework.

The game is still in development mode and the parameters are not well calibrated. Players may experience instabilities.

Credits for the graphics go to,

It is strongly recommended to visit Features for information about the implemented options details.

How To Play

The network is created based on the connection of the clients to a host via the IP address of the host's machine. It may sound difficult seeing the following steps but it is absolutely easy once you know how to find the host's IP address.

  1. All the players must connect to a local network (e.g. wifi or hotspot).
  2. Run the game file to see the title screen and press any key to go to the game start screen.
  3. One of the players must host a game via the "CREATE" option also specifying the number of the players for the game to start and the map and the time duration of the game.
  4. When the game settings are specified by the host, other players have to "JOIN" the game via the local IP address of the host. The IP address can be found via running the ipconfig command on the host's machine ***.
  5. Once the host has created the game and the players have joined the game, every player must pick his/her name (names should be distinct), class and team (red or blue).
  6. Every player is then asked to select his/her weapon and tactical grenade. Any player can pick any weapon, however, the compatibility between the selected class and the weapon is illustrated by colors.
  7. Every player must select 3 perk options (Including no-perk option) and 3 killstreaks.
  8. Players who have completed their customization completed will be waiting in the lobby until the game is full (according to the players number specified by host).
  9. The game starts when the lobby is full.

*** Game may throw an error or "hang", should the specified IP not be correct and the connection fail.

To run the game on a single machine for test purposes : You can run multiple instances of the game on the same machine. Treat one of the instances as the "Host" and the rest as the clients and follow the same instructions above with your machine local network IP.


W, S, A, D and Mouse pointer : Move and strafe.
Mouse left and right : Shoot and aim (Including laser, scope and thermal vision.)
Mouse middle : Lethal grenade toss (Hold to cook the grenade.)
Shift : Hold to sprint while having enough stamina.
Q : Tactical grenade toss (Hold to cook the grenade.)
E : Melee attack.
F : Action (Press: open airdrops/ mount and unmount turrets, Hold: defuse mines/ capture enemy machines, Hold + Shift: (de)trap airdrops.)
R : Reload.
T : Hold to talk to your teammates through your default microphone.
1, 2, 3 : Use killstreaks.
Tab : Hold to see mini-map and player information.
F4 : Toggle fullscreen.


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